Re-Energize Your Practice
Coaching Club



16 Weeks to a Better Practice, a Better Life, 
and a Better World!

with Drs. Teri & Stu Warner



16 Weeks to a Better Practice, a Better Life, and a Better World!

with Drs. Teri & Stu Warner
with Drs. Teri & Stu Warner
*Classes Begin October 1st, 2020
To Step Into Your Greatness!

Yes, we're talking about NOW.

Now is the time for your practice to Prosper, not just Survive...

We may be in the middle of a pandemic but that doesn’t mean you should stop taking
dedicated action toward your dreams.  

If you put your goals on hold until life goes back to “normal,” you could find yourself unprepared to take advantage of new opportunities or waiting for a future that never arrives! 

Learn the best practices to survive, THRIVE during and post pandemic

Discover practice models that give you the opportunity to serve even if your in a shut down model

Learn the Best Practices for growth during pandemic

Crafting and honing your message... How to drive New Patients into your practice during Covid

Stratagies to Re-Activate your Patient Base during Covid

Relevant topics and ESSENTIAL practices to get you to the next level

The fact is, the reality that’s waiting for us once the pandemic is over will not be the same as the “normal” we knew before COVID-19 changed our world... Be Ready for it!

Our new reality is going to be different...

And that’s a GOOD thing because it means that right now we are in a unique position to make our reality, and the health of our community BETTER. 

You can make YOUR PRACTICE better – by doing the work required to overcome the blocks that have been holding you back from showing up as your best self, best Doc, with the best strategies, and getting the best results you really want!

You can make YOUR LIFE better – by setting and achieving goals that allow you to live your purpose and experience more joy and abundance in everything you do. 

You can make YOUR WORLD better – by cultivating deeper, more empowering and supportive relationships with other inspired individuals who want to create a better future.

There is no better time than NOW – you don't want to wake up 4 months from now and realize nothing has changed. As the world is in flux, our new normal "New Better" waits to be born, so get clear on your vision and start making it a reality! Identify your hidden fears, worries, and anxiety and discover how to overcome them and live the life you really want.

Only YOU have the power to do this.
      Only YOU get to decide what you want in your future.

Master the mix of Practice Principles & Lifestyle Lessons!

Whether you're a solo practitioner, a chiropractic couple, a woman DC, or multi doctor clinic...
Whether you had to change your hours or close temporarily, whether you have your kids home now, or found that your practice dynamic has changed...
We all have new lifestyle considerations to juggle...

Discover Best Principles & Practices and “what we see working for people right now!”

NOW IS THE TIME to Take Bold Action to 
Make Your Dreams Come True

NOW is the time to get to the heart of what has been stopping you from having the practice and the life you really want. 

NOW is the time to get clear on your path and take steady, unstoppable action towards your goals with daily action steps and written success practices. 

NOW is the time to adopt powerful new strategies and build habits that will help you achieve your desired outcome, every time!

NOW is the time to rethink virtual and expand your reach and financial reward.

NOW is the time to develop stronger connections with people who will support you and lift you up on your journey. 

… And we would love to help you do all of that and more – in our brand-new private group coaching program!

Announcing a Live Group Coaching Experience 
Unlike Anything We've Ever Offered

Announcing a Live
Group Coaching Experience 
Unlike Anything We've Ever Offered

Doors Close Forever on October 1st — Make Sure You Don't Miss Out!

The Re-Energize Your Practice Coaching Club isn’t another self-directed online program that you can join whenever you want. We are going on this journey LIVE as a group starting October 1st, 2020. 

Doors Close Forever on October 1st — Make Sure You Don't Miss Out!

The Re-Energize Your Practice Coaching Club isn’t another self-directed online program that you can join whenever you want. We are going on this journey LIVE as a group starting October 1st, 2020. 

Re-Energize Your Practice
Coaching Club

It's Time to Reboot Your Practice and Create the Life & Future You Want!

Starting October 1st, We’re going to spend 16 life-changing weeks working with a dedicated group of game changers who are ready to take their practices and lives to the next level – and give them the guidance and support they need to make their dreams a reality.

As a valued member of this 4-month program, you’ll receive the tools, teaching, inspiration, accountability, and support you need to bounce back from the pandemic stronger, more resilient, and better equipped to succeed than ever before. 

And we'll will be there to support you every step of the way in an intimate online setting!

This new private coaching club is the best of both worlds – combining the energy, excitement, and connection of a live event with the face-to-face accountability, commitment, and feedback of an ongoing coaching program, with the two of us as your personal mentors. 

Best of all, you can participate with us live, each week, from the comfort of your own home or office! 

This 4-Month LIVE Group Coaching Experience Includes:

2x/month, LIVE 90 min Coaching Sessions + 30 min Q&A Sessions (2 hrs total)

Downloadable Recordings and Action Guides

Monthly LIVE Bonus Sessions with Guest Experts, taking you on a deep dive on a specialized topic we are covering

Membership in our Private FaceBook Group

LIVE Monthly “Open Office Hours” for guidance + Q & A

Weekly Action and Accountability

Special Challenges, Giveaways, and More

24/7 Access to the Program Dashboard

How to Re-Activate your Patient Base during Covid

Here's What Our Time Together Will Look Like...

** All sessions will be recorded with replays available in your member dashboard.

​Winning Mindset -
Laying the Foundation

Planning for the Future -
Patient Education & Internal Referrals

The keys to thriving, pivoting and course correcting
to integrate Covid adaptations when necessary.

Creating a practice and life plan for during and post-pandemic. 
Gain powerful clarity around the practice you want as well as  the person you want to be. 
Learn the Best Practices for growth during pandemic plus ESSENTIAL practices to get you to the next level.

Now more than ever before, people are looking for ways to maximize their immune system - 
YOU as the chiropractor should be the most important pillar within your community. 

Find out what’s been holding you back from unlocking your full potential.

Discover the confidence to have 100% control over your options when pivoting or changing course is essential.

Tap into Your True Power -
Model the Mindset of Ultra Achievers

Develop an Optimal Environment for Success -
Creating Like, Know & Trust Prior to the 1st Visit
Expert Bonus Session 
Mindset and Branding

Learn how to manifest the practice and the life you want once the pandemic is “over.” Identify the steps you’ll need to take now to make your vision a reality.

Best practices to educate the community and your patients live and virtually: including patient education, referrals, ROF/care plans... Including the essentials of using virtual tools like Streamyard and Zoom.

Practice members need to know why they're there. Make them feel special, commit them to wellness, and create lifetime patients. Attract 20-40 NP's per month.

Hybrid at-home/online/in-clinic protocols and patient education and management systems that start working from the day you implement them.

Grow your practice from the Inside-Out!

Day 1, 2 & 3 Systems and Procedures
for Creating Lifetime Wellness Patients  -
Identify & Align Your Practice with Your Life's Purpose

Create a Fulfilling Vision for Your Ideal Practice & Life - Virtual Tools and Techniques, Driving Internal Referrals
Expert Bonus Session
Relationships, Education & Connection
The Psychology of Influence

Clearing the Path for Success -
Creating a Winning Team and Finances

Practice and Personal Growth - ​
External Referrals, Massive Marketing

Now is the time for your practice to Prosper, not just Survive...

Release the limiting thoughts and behaviors you've had in practice and find the confidence, agility, and resilience you need to succeed in the face of Covid or any challenge.

How to succeed in the face of the "new normal" 

How to hire the right support team (in office &/or virtually) to propel your practice numbers and profitability, while decreasing your stress.

How to handle finances whether in person or virtual,
including profitable cash plans, and more.

With this amazing, ever-evolving program we are defying the laws of time and energy needed to operate a thriving, income producing, practice of your dreams...

Overcoming You're Limiting Beliefs -
Creating the Right Support Team

Succeeding in the "New Normal" -
​Maximize Your Financial Success

Expert Bonus Session​​
Money & Finance

Time to make your biggest dreams a reality!

Achievable steps lead to unstoppable action toward your practice and personal goals.

Moving from struggle or coasting during the pandemic, to soaring, with quick and continuous practice growth.

How to maximize and automate external referrals and attract new patients during and post Covid.

Attracting and automating multiple, steady streams of new patients... Innovative marketing strategies for exponential practice growth.

Promotions and special events designed to propel you, the chiropractor, to become the go-to family health authority in your community.

How to automate repetitive actions in the acquisition and patient management process.

How to Take Action Now for the Future
Multiple, steady streams of new patients

Becoming the Go-To Family Health Authority for Your Community!

Expert Bonus Session
Health & Wellness


Support & Accountability

Private Online Community

There's nothing like a challenge for getting things done! That's why we're adding in some fun by offering monthly challenges with great prizes and giveaways.

So for all you high achievers, out there, let's get ready to rumble!

“Open Office” hours on Zoom to answer your questions and offer insight and advice on your challenges.

Plus, we’ll hold you accountable for completing written assignments and pairing you up with an optional accountability partner.

Our vibrant, results-focused Private Facebook Group is where you'll celebrate your wins, post questions and take part in challenges.

Here you'll get the support and encouragement you need to make incredible progress to your goals.

You’ll get the structured training, guidance, and support you need to 
create the game-changing life you’ve always wanted!

You’ll get the structured training, guidance, and support you need
to create the game-changing life you’ve always wanted!

Doors Close Forever on October 1st — Make Sure You Don't Miss Out!

The Re-Energize Your Practice Coaching Club isn’t another self-directed online program that you can join whenever you want. We are going on this journey LIVE as a group starting October 1st, 2020. 

Doors Close Forever on October 1st — Make Sure You Don't Miss Out!

The Re-Energize Your Practice Coaching Club isn’t another self-directed online program that you can join whenever you want. We are going on this journey LIVE as a group starting October 1st, 2020. 

Work with the Best to Become Your Best

Work with the Best to Become Your Best

Meet your coaches for the next 4 months:

Meet your coaches for the next 4 months:

Your Private Advisors, Mentors, and Coaches

Dr. Stu Warner

Dr. Teri Warner

Drs. Warner are internationally sought after keynote speakers and Postgraduate educators who have been featured at Cal-Jam, Mile-High, Focus OKC, FCA National, Parker Seminars, D.E., Total Solution, The Wave, and hundreds of other Chiropractic Conferences, Parenting Health expos, and Freedom Rally's around the world. They are warriors to effect change to reverse the alarming rise of childhood illness and help turn the sickest generation of kids in history into the healthiest through her signature strategies to boost immune and brain function. In addition, they run the mega conference GENESIS PED/CON and founded the ‘Lets Take Back Our Kids Health” event for the public.

Drs. Teri & Stu are co-founders of Kids Day America/International which is celebrating its 25th year as Chiropractic’s #1 Marketing & Community Outreach event. They have also created the largest Chiropractic Pediatric community in the world with ‘ChiropracticPediatrics24/7’ Facebook community, the first ‘Husband & Wife ChiropracticTeams’ Facebook community, and the fastest growing FB community of freedom warriors in 'Drs. Teri & Stu Warner and The Wellness Parenting Revolution'. Drs. Warner also founded Wellness Moms America™ and the Dr. Wellness Mom show to educate the world on raising healthy kids. 

The Warners are media spokespersons who regularly appears in the National Media on TV as a health expert talking about the benefits of Chiropractic care for kids and natural approaches to health and wellness. Their ground breaking segment on The Doctors TV Show on chiropractic care for newborns has been viewed over 5 million times. 

Despite their many accolades, their greatest achievements by far are their 3 beautiful children: Sydney, Skylar, and Alexis. All 3 children were adjusted within 5 minutes of birth, practiced extended breastfeeding and co-sleeping, and have been raised in the chiropractic wellness lifestyle. 

Drs. Theresa Warner and Stuart have been called ‘America’s Most Trusted Source for Raising Healthy Kids’. They have been in private Pediatric & Prenatal practice in Point Pleasant NJ since 1992 where they have helped thousands of children & pregnant women overcome illness and optimize their health.

The Warner's were known as “pediatric chiropractors” before there were pediatric chiropractors. They have been coaching and training fellow chiropractors for over two decades. What they are most known for is their innovative marketing strategies, promotions and special events designed to propel Chiropractors to become leaders in their communities for children's health & wellness. Drs. Warner teach chiropractors to be the “Go-To” kids health authority in their communities.

Together we will give you the powerful success strategies, mindset training, personal accountability and 
support you need to break free from your holding patterns and move into powerful action! 

Be part of a bigger team that gets results. As a client you’ll work with us to encourage you're fast and dynamic results.
Discover Your PIVOT to Success! Relevant Topics and Essential Practices to get you to the next level! Daily activities and accountability!



This program is for you if... 

The Re-Energize Your Practice Coaching Club isn't another self-directed online program that you can join whenever you want. The class is LIVE and doors shut once class begins! 

The Re-Energize Your Practice Coaching Club isn't another self-directed online program that you can join whenever you want. The class is LIVE and doors shut once class begins! 

You're ready to get out of 'stuck mode' and take action to create your desired practice a reality

You have big dreams but need more structure, guidance, and accountability to bring them to life

You know that mindset is the key to success - but you still sometimes find it challenging to stay positive, motivated, and focused on your goals

You're tired of signing up with expensive chiropractic coaches and on-line courses that never result in any real or lasting changes in your practice or your life

You want to achieve meaningful transformation in your life in the next 16 weeks

You're ready to live by a new set of rules - and for your "new normal" to be better than your "old normal"

You're excited to join a thriving community of positive, like-minded people who are excited to create a better future

If that sounds like you, please join us! You will experience big shifts in your life very quickly and enjoy greater clarity, confidence, joy, purpose, and hope as you work on creating the practice and life of your dreams. 


Save 85% on Our Regular Coaching Rate! 

We don't have the time to work with private coaching clients very often, but when we do, our rate is upwards of $500+/hour - and these days we get paid $5,000-10,000 to travel and train chiropractic groups.

But your total investment for this 16-week group coaching program is only $997, which works out to less than $65/hr for each of our eight two-hour coaching sessions together plus you get so much more...

That's a small fraction of what people normally pay to get this kind of access of us!

You'll also be receiving a bonus 2 hour coaching sessions with guest experts, and get regular office hours with us to get personal advice on your professional and personal challenges... unprecedented accountability and support... and lifetime membership in a vibrant, success-focused community of motivated individuals who are also working to make their dreams a reality. 

Once you add all that in... this works out to ONLY $15/hr for each coaching session. This is a higher level of access and ongoing support than we have ever offered!  

Re-Energize Your Practice
Coaching Club

Register Now & Discover How Amazing Your Practice & Life Can Be!

Register Now & Discover How Amazing Your Practice & Life Can Be!

Progress is the key to happiness but only if you do the work. Reading books and taking free courses online are great first steps - but if you want real growth, having a step-by-step plan with deadlines, accountability, and support is absolutely critical to your success! 

This limited time, 4-month group coaching experience includes: 

*8 Live Group Coaching Sessions with Drs. Teri & Stu
*Downloadable Recordings and Action Guides
*Monthly Bonus Sessions with Guest Experts
*Monthly "Open Office Hours" with Drs. Warner
*How to Re-Activate your Patient Base during Covid

*Weekly Action and Accountability
*Membership in a Results-Focused Facebook Group
*Special Challenges, Giveaways, and More
*24/7 Access to the Content Dashboard

*8 Live Group Coaching Sessions with Drs. Teri & Stu

*Downloadable Recordings and Action Guides

*Monthly Bonus Sessions with Guest Experts

*Monthly "Open Office Hours" with Drs. Warner 

*Weekly Action and Accountability

*Membership in a Results-Focused Facebook Group

*Special Challenges, Giveaways, and More

*24/7 Access to the Content Dashboard

*How to Re-Activate your Patient Base during Covid


16 Weeks to a Better You, A Better Life, and a Better World! 

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


Normally $3997., Today's "Covid" Special:

Now only $997

or 4 monthly payments of $277

8 "Live" Group Coaching Sessions with Teri & Stu

Downloadable Recordings + Action Guides

Monthly Bonus Sessions with Guest Experts

How to Re-Activate your Patient Base during Covid

Weekly Action + Accountability
Regular "Open Office Hours" with Drs. Warner

Membership in a Vibrant, Private Facebook Group

Special Contests, Giveaways, and More

24/7 Access to the Content Dashboard

8 "Live" Group Coaching Sessions with Teri & Stu
Downloadable Recordings + Action Guides
Monthly Bonus Sessions with Guest Experts
How to Re-Activate your Patient Base during Covid
Weekly Action + Accountability
Regular "Open Office Hours" with Drs. Warner
Membership in a Vibrant, Private Facebook Group
Special Contests, Giveaways, and More 
24/7 Access to the Content Dashboard


TRY IT RISK-FREE FOR 30 DAYS.   Enroll in the program, and don’t agree it’s worth every penny we said it was, we will promptly refund your money. No risk. No hassle. Just contact support at and we will refund your money if it’s within 30 days of your purchase date.

Are You Ready to Invest in a Better Future? 

It's time to break out of your holding pattern and create the practice and life you dream of. 

All it takes is that first, small step: the decision to spend 16 weeks with us this fall focusing on your long-term vision for your life. Because it's only when you make the commitment to take consistent action towards your goals that you are able to make your dreams come true! And with the whole world waiting with bated breath for our "new normal" to arrive. 

NOW is the time to take control of your life and decide for yourself what you want your future to look like!

We look forward to helping you make your practice and life vision a reality.

- Teri & Stu

No Matter What Your Dreams May Be,
You Don't Have to Achieve Them on Your Own. 

No Matter What Your Dreams May Be,
You Don't Have to Achieve Them on Your Own. 

We are waiting to help you every step of the way!

Have questions? Email us now:


How does The Re-Energize Your Practice Coaching Club differ from the Warner’s other programs, such as their Practice Bootcamp or Chiropediatrics 24/7?

Pediatric Practice Bootcamp is a two-day in-person event that offers a powerful immersion into Drs. Warner’s proven practice techniques and strategies, while Chiropediatrics 24/7 is an online version of similar cross-over trainings, in which the teachings are primarily through written material and educational video modules.

The Re-Energize Your Practice Coaching Club, on the other hand, is an online group coaching program with two-hour live Zoom sessions every two weeks for sixteen weeks, along with special guest expert coaching sessions every month and weekly activities you will be required to complete and submit for review. In other words, there’s a lot more “face to face” time (via Zoom) with Dr. Teri and Dr. Stu. We have never offered this level of access and ongoing support before! 

Plus there’s a lot more accountability, with assignments you are required to submit for review by us and our team, as well as the community who are all going through the coaching program with you and are sure to offer great camaraderie and support as you work toward your goals - especially if you choose an accountability partner.

It’s the perfect mix of live coaching, online study, and group accountability! 

When are all the sessions?

Each month there will be two group Coaching Calls that will run between 90 minutes to 2 hours — depending on how much Q & A comes up at the end of the session. (See the schedule below.)

We'll also be holding Bonus Session each month with a special Guest Expert who can take a deep dive into topics we are exploring.
The dates for these will be announced as we go to provide us with the ultimate flexibility to secure the “just-in-time” information the group needs.

All calls are recorded and you’ll have access to them during the lifetime of your membership. Questions can be submitted at any time through your Member Dashboard.

8 LIVE GROUP COACHING SESSIONS 90 minutes coaching + Q&A (2 hours total)
All sessions meet LIVE on Streamyard and will be available 24/7.

October 7
October 21
November 4
November 18
December 2
December 16
January 6
January 20

How do I know if this is right for me?

Ask yourself these questions:

"Do you have a clear idea of what you want your life to look like in 2021 and beyond – and what you’re going to have to do to make it happen?" 

"Do you have the optimal practice and life you want?"

"Are you in the relationships you’ve longed for and have a great chiropractic team to support you?"

"Do you see opportunities where others see only obstacles and challenges?"

"Are you confident in your ability to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances and thrive during the pandemic and in any situation?"

"Do you have the emotional support you need to succeed?"

If not – YOU'VE FOUND YOUR TRIBE! We’ll give you the tools and training you need to level-up every aspect of your life and create the kind of world you want to live in.  And we'll be with you every step of the way.

Our clients have reached maximum levels of success and achievement. It's really attainable by anyone. Yet most people have never learned the mindset, tools and time-tested performance strategies that are the basis for personal and professional fulfillment.

If any of this resonates with you—then this training is exactly what you need right now...
You don’t think it’s an accident that you’re reading this right now, do you?

Is this the same content as other chiropractic coaching programs?

Our Coaching Club is not “information” – it’s “transformation.”

It’s an experience that leads you through the process of finally changing your reality to match your vision. For many (perhaps for you), it will be the first time you’ve truly clarified your vision for your life.

While you may have heard me talking about this from the stage, in our posts and "Lives", and in our other coaching programs… this is different. Think of it this way, those were the 'maps', now we are going to plot your course and push 'Start.' Now is the time to find your freedom in the actual journey.
We are ready to give you the guidance, support, and accountability you need to reach your destination.
This group coaching program will be especially helpful to you if you have watched “The Secret” and haven’t quite figured out how to put the Law of Attraction to work. The success strategies you’ll learn during our coaching sessions are the mechanism that will put the Law of Attraction to practical work in your life - and the accountability and support to succeed!

How does the guarantee work?

Enroll in the program, and don’t agree it’s worth every penny we said it was, we will promptly refund your money. No risk. No hassle.  Just contact support at and we will refund your money if it’s within 30 days of your purchase date.

Is there someone I can contact if I have more questions?

If you don’t already know that this event is absolutely right for you, we would love to answer any of your questions by phone. or email.

Please email us at and we’d be happy to answer any specific questions that you may have.

Who should participate in this program?

It doesn’t matter where you are in life…

Whether you’re a 40-year veteran or you’re brand new to your practice … a successful leader or just starting out … if you already consider yourself a coach, leader or teacher to others… your a single parent in part time practice home-schooling your kids... or your a chiropractic college student planning your dream… your life will undergo a massive and permanent transformation through this coaching program. We personally guarantee it.

Please email us at and we’d be happy to answer any specific questions that you may have.

The bottom line...
If your asking yourself the question, "Should I do it?" Ask yourself this…

“Is what I’m currently doing working great or have things slowed down for me?"
"Are you thriving, or have the last 6 months been a blur?"
"Do you have a practice and life plan for during and post-pandemic if you need to pivot or course correct?"

It may be time to consider how joining "Re-Energize Your Practice (and Your Life) Coaching Program could change your practice and your life. Our program could mean more of what you want today,  and a better tomorrow.

Re-Energize Your Practice
Coaching Club

16 Weeks to a Better Practice, A Better Life, and a Better World!

QUESTIONS: Email us at

Wellness Parenting LLC | Copyright ©2020 | All Rights Reserved